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Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) Requirements - Transport Canada

Transport Canada Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) (SOR/2004-144) Requirements for Seafarers and Port and Terminal Personnel

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The Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR) provide a framework to detect security threats and take measures to prevent security incidents that could affect marine vessels and their facilities. MTSR is one of the tools that could use to keep Canada’s maritime transportation system secure.

MTSR came into force on July 1, 2004 and was last updated in 2014 to introduce amendments that respond to Canada’s international obligations, further harmonize the Canadian regulatory regime with the U.S. regime, and address interpretation issues and regulatory gaps. 

It applies to any vessel in Canada, and to any Canadian vessels operating outside of Canada on a voyage between a port in one country and a port in another country, that carry more than 12 passengers, or be more than 100 tons gross tonnage except a towing vessel, or towing vessel towing a barge if the barge is carrying certain dangerous cargoes.The regulations also apply to Canadian and foreign-flagged vessels, marine facilities and port authorities, and any marine facility that interfaces with these vessels.

The MTSR does not apply to pleasure craft, fishing and government vessels, domestic ferries, or vessels without a crew that is in dry dock, dismantled, or laid up.

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Transport Canada MTSR Requirements

Transport Canada MTSR Part 2 - Vessels

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Transport Canada MTSR Part 3 - Marine Facilities

LAST UPDATED ON Jan 16, 2023