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The Best Supply Chain Certifications in the U.S.

Best Certifications in the U.S. and Worldwide for Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Distribution Management Professionals

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) professionals have several options to fast track their career through professional designation and training programs. Although the efforts are significant in terms of money and time, the rewards are greater. There are a quite a few organizations offering certifications for experienced professionals as well as career starters in the Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Distribution industry.

To make your life easy, we are providing below some of the best among them worth pursuing or at least to consider with whenever you make that important decision to go through the certification path.

Why Should You Get Certified?

Professionals with SCM certifications demonstrate a specialist body of knowledge in their respective specialized field and are also highly experienced. Though experience matters a lot, a certification can help them find better solutions, since all certifications require continuing education to maintain the designation. The professional development programs provided by these organizations help the certified logistics and supply chain management professionals in keeping up with the changes taking place in the industry, and in technology at a fast pace.

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Top Logistics and SCM Certifications in the United States

APICS - Professional Association for Supply Chain Management

APICS is one of the largest professional associations for supply chain management and the leading provider of research, education and certification programs that elevate supply chain excellence and innovation worldwide. The APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP), APICS Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD) and APICS Supply Chain Operations Reference Professional (SCOR-P) designations set the industry standard.  APICS has over 45,000 members in 100 countries, 190 APICS chapters in North America, over 100 channel partners in 46 countries and over 125,000 certified professionals worldwide. 

Find more about APICS here

APICS is now rebranded as ASCM - The Association for Supply Chain Management.

ISM - Institute for Supply Management

Founded in 1915 and based in the United States, Institute for Supply Management (ISM) is the largest supply management association in the world. ISM offers the Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM) and Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity (CPSD) designations. ISM serves professionals and organizations with a keen interest in supply management, providing them education, research, standards of excellence and information dissemination. ISM has a network of over 48,000 supply management professionals worldwide.

Know more about ISM here

CSCMP - Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals

The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) is the leading worldwide association of professionals in supply chain management in the U.S. and worldwide. SCPro Certification is an industry leading designation for supply chain management professionals Worldwide. The CSCMP provides you and your organization with the education, research, connections, and professional growth opportunities needed in occupations that deal with logistics and management of supply chains. CSCMP has over 8,500 members representing nearly all industry sectors, government, and academia from 67 countries.

Read more about CSCMP here

ISCEA - International Supply Chain Education Alliance

Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Ohio, International Supply Chain Education Alliance (ISCEA) is a leading provider of Supply Chain Management certification and training. ISCEA promotes Supply Chain knowledge worldwide for manufacturing, service, and heath industry professionals through internationally recognized certifications (CSCM, CSCA, CLM, and RFIDSCM).

Know more about ISCEA here

SOLE - International Society of Logistics

Established in 1966, he International Society of Logistics (SOLE) is an organization devoted to the development and promotion of logistics, including improvements in technology, education and management. The Society's professional certification and designation programs recognize the professional stature and accomplishments of logisticians. The programs include Certified Professional Logistician (CPL), Certified Master Logistician (CML), and Demonstrated Logistician Programs.

You can read more about SOLE here

IWLA - International Warehouse Logistics Association

Established in 1891 and based in Illinois, International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA) represents the interests of third-party logistics (3PL) providers across North America. IWLA provides the warehouse owners, executives and operators with information, guidance, and access to training resources. Certification programs include Qualified Warehouse Logistics Professional (QWLP), Certified Warehouse Logistics Professional (CWLP), and Executive Warehouse Logistics Professional (EWLP).

Read more about IWLA here

IPSCMI - International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute

The International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute (IPSCMI) is a professional institute offering purchasing and supply chain management certifications throughout the world IPSCMI’s purchasing and supply chain management courses and programs are provided around the world by a complete network of alliance partners and, more than 40000 professionals from 42 countries worldwide have been certified by IPSCMI.

Read more about IPSCMI here