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Top Certifications and Qualifications in Shipping, Logistics & Transport in England, UK

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maritime logistics certifications

Online Career Oriented Int'l Trade Programs

icc academy ecourses

INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ACADEMY (ICC ACADEMY ONLINE) - International Trade and Trade Finance Certifications and Professional Designation from ICC Academy - ICC Academy is the training arm of the International Chamber of Commerce and delivers online certification and professional development services to meet the educational needs of banks, corporate and other organizations at the forefront of International Trade

Maritime Certifications & Qualifications


INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED SHIPBROKERS (ICS) AT LONDON - Shipbroking Training and Certification - Founded in 1911, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) is an internationally recognized professional body in the maritime arena and it represents shipbrokers, ship managers and agents throughout the world.

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LONDON SCHOOL OF SHIPPING AT LONDON - ICS Foundation Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Professional Qualifying Examinations Evening Classes, and Short Courses for Maritime Shipping Professionals - Located at London Bridge in London, the London School of Shipping offers a broad range of study programs in preparation to Institute's examinations leading to recognized industry qualifications.

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IMarEST - INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, HQ AT LONDON - Marine Chartered or Professional Recognitions, Training Courses and Approved Programs for Marine Professionals at IMarEST - Founded in 1888 and headquartered in London, IMarEST - Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology is The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology; the international professional body and learned society for all marine professionals.

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THE CII - CHARTERED INSURANCE INSTITUTE AT LONDON - Marine, Cargo, Hull & Yacht Insurance, Marine Law, and Marine Liability Training - The Chartered Insurance Institute (the CII) is the premier professional body for the insurance and global financial services industry located in London, UK.


THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MARINE SURVEYING (IIMS) AT PORTCHESTER, HAMPSHIRE - Commercial Ship, Yacht & Small Craft Marine Surveying Professional Qualifications Distance Education; Marine Surveying Academy (MSA) Programs & IIMS Online Seminars - The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) is an independent, non-political organization and aims to promote professionalism and the advancement of knowledge in the profession of Marine Surveying.


LLOYD'S REGISTER MARINE TRAINING AT LIVERPOOL, UK & WORLDWIDE - Worldwide Training in Classification, Statutory & Inspection, Engineering, ILO MLC, Risk & Management Systems - Founded in 1760, The Lloyd's Register Group works to enhance the safety of life, property and the environment, at sea, on land and in the air, helping its clients to ensure safe, responsible and sustainable supply chains.

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THE ASSOCIATION OF AVERAGE ADJUSTERS (AAA), UK - Professional Designation and Membership Programs in Marine Insurance and Law - Founded in 1869, The Association of Average Adjusters (AAA) is a professional body representing Average Adjusters who are experts in marine insurance and law and may be appointed by any party in a marine claim or dispute.

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MARITIME EDUCATION & TRAINING LTD (METL), UK - Evening Classes for the Annual April / May Exams of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) in London - Founded in 2002, Maritime Education & Training Ltd (METL) is an independent provider of maritime education offering evening classes in central London for students preparing for the annual April / May exams of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS).

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THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE, LONDON AND WORLDWIDE - Chartered Master Mariner (CMMar), Navigation Assessor Course & Online CPD Program for Professionals and Members - Established in 1971 and headquartered in London, the Nautical Institute (NI) is an international representative body for maritime professionals provides a wide range of services to enhance the professional standing and knowledge..

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CHARTERED QUALITY INSTITUTE (CQI), LONDON, UK - IRCA Maritime Safety Management Systems (MSMS) Certification Scheme, Auditing MSMS Course, and ISO 9001-2015 Transition Training for Quality Professionals - Founded in 1919 as the Institute of Quality Assurance and attained Chartered status in 2006, the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is a global professional body advancing the practice of quality management in all sectors.

Logistics, Transport & Intl Trade Qualifications

INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ACADEMY (ICC ACADEMY) ONLINE - International Trade & Finance, Shipping, Supply Chain, and Export-Import Certifications and Courses Online - The ICC Academy offers a wide range of specialized career oriented e-learning courses and online certifications for global trade professionals worldwide.

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CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT (CILT) AT CORBY - Transport, Logistics & Supply Chain and Operations Management Training and CPIM, CDDP & CSCP Certifications - The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK - CILT(UK) - is the pre-eminent independent professional body for individuals associated with logistics, supply chains and all transport throughout their careers.

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CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PURCHASING & SUPPLY (CIPS) AT STAMFORD - Procurement & Supply Management Training and Certification - Established in 1932, Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) is the leading body representing the field of purchasing and supply chain management.

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INSTITUTE OF EXPORT & INTERNATIONAL TRADE (IOE) AT LYNCH WOOD, PETERBOROUGH - Qualification and Training Courses in Export/Import, International Trade, Customs, Logistics and More from IOE UK - Established in 1935, the Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE) is the professional membership body which sets and maintains the professional standards in international trade management and export practice.

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LOGISTICS LEARNING ALLIANCE (LLA) AT COALVILLE, LEICESTERSHIRE – Transport, Logistics, Supply Chain, Warehouse & Procurement Professional Training and, CILT, IOM, Fritz Institute, FTA & UKWA Certifications On-site and Distance Learning Programs - Logistics Learning Alliance (LLA) is a specialist logistics and supply chain management training company serving the commercial and humanitarian worlds.

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LONDON INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE (LIBF)  - CITF, CITF, CSDG, CTFC, CSCF, QTFS and CertPAY Certificate programs and Diploma for Qualified Trade Finance Specialists Qualification for Banking, Finance & Trade Professional - Established in 1879 and headquartered on London, London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF) is a professional body for banking and financial services in UK and works internationally with partners.

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THE INSTITUTE OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (IOSCM), UK - Supply Chain, Logistics, Warehousing & Procurement Professional Qualifications Online - The Institute of Supply Chain Management was formed as the first international institute representing the interests of the supply chain industry across the world.

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CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY OF TRANSPORT, CAMBRIDGE, LONDON, DUBAI, SINGAPORE & HONG KONG - Seminars, Courses & Distance Programs in Commercial Shipping and Legal Aspects of Shipping Business including Laytime and Demurrage in UK, Dubai, Singapore & Hong Kong - Established in 1985, Cambridge Academy of Transport provides maritime education through a variety of seminars aimed at the management or executive levels of companies within international shipping and trading.

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BMC TRAINING UK - Logistics, Inventory and Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Maritime Logistics, Warehouse and Distribution Training Programs in London, Paris, Istanbul, Dubai, & Kuala Lumpur - Headquartered in UK, BMC Training and Development is specializing in international training courses and seminars and a training provider in England and Wales.