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MCA Approved STCW ISPS Training & Maritime Safety Certifications Online - VIRSEC

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MCA Approved STCW ISPS Security Awareness (PSA), Designated Security Duties (DSD) & Ship Security Officer (SSO) Courses and ABS Approved Maritime Safety Training Online

Founded in 2016, VIRSEC is an award-winning e-Learning company located n Manchester, UK. VIRSEC Specializes in the delivery of regulatory, bespoke, and accredited online courses. The range of courses include - Maritime, Port Security, Personal Security & Self Defense, Anti-terrorism & Risk Mitigation, Business Support & Compliance, and Health and Safety. This training company is recognized for its delivery of excellence and customer service.

VIRSEC is UK DfT Maritime & Coastguard Agency (UK MCA) and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) approved course provider. With learners from over 110 countries, the courses can be completed 100% Online. The MCA Approved (STCW ISPS ) Courses include official online assessments as per the requirement under the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) and require no physical attendance at a test center. Official certificates will be emailed and can be downloaded on successfully passing the course.

The growing range of online courses are also completed fully online with an end-of-course assessment and the certificates are awarded immediately. This ensures you receive a head start in your future chosen profession, and assists you in furthering your career goals.

VIRSEC offers separate STCW ISPS courses for Cargo, Ferries, Offshore, Superyacht and Cruise Ship crew and staff which are tailored towards industry-wise requirements and engaging experience.

Online Training Programs

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MCA Approved Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA)

MCA Approved Designated Security Duties (PDSD)

MCA Approved Ship Security Officer (SSO)

  • Online STCW ISPS Ship Security Officer (Commercial Shipping & Offshore) Course: This course is for cargo and offshore is specifically designed for any knowledgeable and able crew member who will carry out the official duties of a Ship Security Officer, functioning under the ISPS Code. This course in tailored for the commercial cargo, ferry & offshore and related sectors.
  • Online STCW ISPS Ship Security Officer (Superyachts) Course: This course is for superyacht crew and staff is specifically designed for any knowledgeable and able crew member who will carry out the official duties of a Ship Security Officer, functioning under the ISPS Code. This course in tailored for the commercial superyacht & megayacht and related sectors.
  • Online STCW ISPS Ship Security Officer (Cruise Ship) Course: This course is for cruise ship crew and staff is specifically designed for any knowledgeable and able crew member who will carry out the official duties of a Ship Security Officer, functioning under the ISPS Code. This course in tailored for the cruise ship and related sectors.

Other Security & Safety Courses Online

  • USCG Online STCW Crowd Management & Passenger Safety: This fully online USCG Approved IMO Model Course 1.28 Crowd Management & Passenger Safety certificate confirms that student has successfully completed an online Crowd Management (RESOLV-142) Course and will satisfy the Crowd Management training requirements of 46 CFR 11.1105(a)(1)(i) and (ii); AND the Crowd Management training requirements of STCW Code section A-V/2 paragraph 3, Section A-V/2 paragraph 2,  Section A-V/2 paragraph 3 and table A-V/2-1, as amended 2010.
  • Port Security Awareness for Non-Security Personnel: This fully-online, UK DfT compliant course provides necessary instruction in security awareness to the port staff, contractors and other port personnel.
  • Online Cyber Security Courses for Seafarers & Vessels: The Cyber Security Awareness for Seafarers online course examines cyber security, existing cyber threats, the vulnerabilities onboard ship IT and OT systems, and the exploitation by offenders.The Cyber Security Startegy for Vessels online course has been created to advise senior shipping personnel, responsible for the on-board security of a variety of ships' systems; and will be of benefit to all those with authority for vessel security and business continuity. The Cyber Security Awareness for Superyacht Crew & Staff online course is designed to provide the crew and staff of a Superyacht with the basic knowledge enabling them to secure their personal devices, safeguard personal data, as well as considering on board equipment that may be vulnerable to cyber security threats.
  • Lithium-ion Battery Safety Training for Ships & Superyachts: The Lithium-ion Battery Safety on Ships Online Course is tailored for ship crew, captains, safety officers, emergency response teams, and shoreside managers interacting with lithium-ion batteries in the maritime environment. ABS Certified Lithium-ion Battery Safety Awareness for Superyachts Course is Ideally suited for yacht crew, staff, and shoreside managers of yachts that carry Lithium-ion battery-powered tenders, toys, and equipment.

Maritime English Tests

  • Maritime English Testing (MET): American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Approved Maritime English Tests (METs) are designed to assist both Ship Operators and employers make effective recruiting and training decisions by assessing the English language understanding and skills of crew at Ratings (Deck & Engine), Cruise Ship Staff (Non-Crew), Junior Officers (Deck & Engine) Senior Officers (Deck & Engine).

Other Courses

Maritime Short Courses

  • Introduction to the Risk Assessments Process for Ship's Crew
  • Elements of Shipboard Safety
  • Vessel Safety Management Committees
  • Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health - Level 1
  • Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health - Level 2
  • Drug Abuse Awareness for Crew & Staff in the Commercial Sector
  • Drug Abuse Awareness for the Superyacht & Mega Yacht Sector
  • Drug Abuse Awareness for Crew & Staff in the Cruise Ship Sector

LAST UPDATED ON Oct 19, 2024