IMO STCW 2010 Regulations - Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Issue of Certificates of Proficiency for Ship Security Officers
Chapter VI of the STCW Convention has been amended with a new regulation VI/5 requiring all persons designated as Ship Security Officer (SSO) to be issued with a certificate of proficiency. Onboard all ships which are required to comply with the provisions of the ISPS Code, a Ship Security Officer (SSO) must be designated.
The Ship Security officer (SSO) ensures both the security of the ship as well as the implementation and support of the Ship Security Plan. The SSO in association with the CSO will ensure the safety awareness of the crew on board.
Seafarers must have completed at least 12 months approved seagoing service (or a minimum of 3 months seagoing service if the candidate is signed onto a vessel in a security role) allowing them to gain knowledge of ships operations to enable them to reach the training objectives as laid down in A-VI/5 of the STCW Code.
Also according to the STCW 2010 amendments, the standards of competence for ship security officers have been modified to include piracy and armed robbery.
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STCW Code Section A-VI/5 Chapter V (STCW 2010 Res 2)
Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Issue of Certificates of Proficiency for Ship Security Officers
Standard of Competence
- Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency as a Ship Security Officer shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A-VI/5.
- The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A-VI/5 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to act as the designated ship security officer.
- Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take into account the guidance in section B-VI/5 of this Code.
- Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A-VI/5.
STCW Table A-VI/5 of Chapter VI (STCW 2010 Res 2)
Specifications of minimum standard of competence for ship security officers
STCW Section B-VI/5 of Chapter VI (STCW 2010)
Guidance regarding training and certification for ship security officers
- The training should be relevant to the provisions of the ISPS Code and the SOLAS Convention, as amended*.
- On completion of training, a ship security officer should have adequate knowledge of the English language to correctly interpret and communicate messages relevant to ship or port facility security.
- In circumstances of exceptional necessity, when a person holding a certificate of proficiency as a ship security officer is temporarily unavailable, the Administration may permit a seafarer having specific security duties and responsibilities and an understanding of the ship security plan to serve as ship security officer and to execute all duties and responsibilities of the ship security officer until the next port of call or for a period not exceeding 30 days, whichever is greater. The company should, as soon as possible, inform the competent authorities of the next port(s) of call of the arrangements in place.
*The relevant IMO Model Course(s) may be of assistance in the preparation of courses.
- STCW Certificate Requirements According to Duties Performed Onboard
- What is STCW? - An Introduction
- STCW Maritime Security Courses - IMO Model Courses
STCW Regulation V/5 of Chapter V (STCW 2010 Res 1)
Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Issue of Certificates of Proficiency for Ship Security Officers
- Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency as ship security officer shall:
- have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months or appropriate seagoing service and knowledge of ship operations; and
- meet the standard of competence for certification of proficiency as ship security officer, set out in section A-VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code.
- Administrations shall ensure that every person found qualified under the provisions of this regulation is issued with a certificate of proficiency.
Disclaimer: For general information purpose only - please check with IMO STCW Convention for the latest requirements and accurate info