Transport Canada Approved Vessel STCW Proficiency in Sesurity Awareness(PSA/VPWOSR) Certification Online by VMA
The Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA/VPWOSR) certification online, also known as STCW Personnel without Security Responsibilities is intended for ship crew and staff working onboard vessels who do not have Designated Security Duties. This proficiency is mandated by the STCW code and convention through Regulation A-VI/6 & Table A-VI/6-1 and also a requirement of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS.
According to Transport Canada regulations, a member of the vessel personnel without security responsibilities on a SOLAS ship shall hold a certificate of proficiency as a member of the vessel personnel without security responsibilities issued by a Transport Canada approved training organization or an approved course provider of the foreign administration under which the ship operates.
The Virtual Maritime Academy (VMA) online course is intended to provide the knowledge required to enable personnel without designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to enhance ship security in accordance with the requirements of the ISPS & STCW Codes. The course is also in compliance with Transport Canada MTSR 214.
Online VPWOSR (PSA) course is approved by Transport Canada and internationally recognized as it complies with the international regulations on Maritime Security mandated by IMO.
VPWOSR (PSA) Certification Online
PSA / VPWOSR Certification
- The Transport Canada Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA/VPWOSR) online course is intended for ship crew and staff working onboard vessels who do not have designated security duties
- The course lasts for approximately 5.5 hours
- The course is fully online and there is no requirement to attend the assessments in a classroom.
- The learners are required to submit their official Photo ID which is required by Transport Canada.
- Upon successful completion of the online course, a hard copy will be mailed to the learner's address.
- Acceptance: This is an internationally recognized course. All IMO whitelisted countries accept Transport Canada Approved Courses. For further information, please check with your employer.
PSA/VPWOSR Course Content
- Introduction
- Maritime Security Policy
- Security Responsibilities
- Threat Identification & Recognition
- Ship Security Actions
- Emergency Preparedness
Go to PSA (VPWOSR) Course
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LAST UPDATED ON Aug 20, 2024