IMO STCW 2010 Regulations - Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Chief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer Officers on Ships Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 3,000 Kw Propulsion Power or More
A Chief Engineer is in charge of the engine department in a merchant ship and holds complete responsibility for the operations of the engine room and maintenance of all types of machinery onboard the vessel.
A Second Engineer is a licensed member of engineering department on a merchant vessel and directly reports to the chief engineer.
STCW III/2 deals with ships of propulsion machinery of 3,000 Kw power or more. Please find below the STCW 2010 regulations and tables. You may also check our STCW Guide section for more clarity on the requirements at various stages of a merchant mariner's career.
STCW Code Section A-III/2 Chapter III (STCW 2010 Res 2)
Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Chief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer Officers on Ships Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 3,000 Kw Propulsion Power or More
Standard of Competence
- Every candidate for certification as chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW power or more shall be required to demonstrate ability to undertake, at the management level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A-III/2.
- The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A-III/2. This incorporates, expands and extends in depth the subjects listed in column 2 of table A-III/1 for officers in charge of an engineering watch.
- Bearing in mind that a second engineer officer shall be in a position to assume the responsibilities of the chief engineer officer at any time, assessment in these subjects shall be designed to test the candidate’s ability to assimilate all available information that affects the safe operation of the ship’s machinery and the protection of the marine environment.
- The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A-III/2 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to serve in the capacity of chief engineer officer or second engineer officer.*
- Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take into account the relevant requirements of this part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.
- The Administration may omit knowledge requirements for types of propulsion machinery other than those machinery installations for which the certificate to be awarded shall be valid. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for any category of machinery installation which has been omitted until the engineer officer proves to be competent in these knowledge requirements. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.
- Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A-III/2.
Near-Coastal Voyages
- The level of knowledge, understanding and proficiency required under the different sections listed in column 2 of table A-III/2 may be varied for engineer officers of ships powered by main propulsion machinery with limited propulsion power engaged on near-coastal voyages, as considered necessary, bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.
*The relevant IMO Model Course(s) may be of assistance in the preparation of courses
STCW Table A-III/2 of Chapter III (STCW 2010 Res 2)
Specification of minimum standard of competence for chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more
STCW Section B-III/2 of Chapter III (STCW 2010 Res 2)
Guidance regarding training of engineering personnel having management responsibilities for the operation and safety of electrical power plant above 1,000 volts
- Training of engineering personnel having management responsibilities for the operation and safety of Electrical power plant of more than 1,000 V should at least include:
- the functional, operational and safety requirements for a marine high-voltage system;
- assignment of suitably qualified personnel to carry out maintenance and repair of high-voltage switchgear of various types;
- taking remedial action necessary during faults in a high-voltage system;
- producing a switching strategy for isolating components of a high-voltage system;
- selecting suitable apparatus for isolation and testing of high-voltage equipment;
- carrying out a switching and isolation procedure on a marine high-voltage system, complete with safety documentation; and
- performing tests of insulation resistance and polarization index on high-voltage equipment.
- STCW Guide for Seafarers (Requirements & Certifications)
- What is STCW? - An Introduction
- STCW Requirements for Chief Engineer
- STCW Requirements for Secong Engineer
STCW Regulation III/2 of Chapter III (STCW 2010 Res 1)
Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification of Chief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer Officers on Ships Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 3,000 Kw Propulsion Power or More
- Every chief engineer officer and second engineer officer on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more shall hold a certificate of competency.
- Every candidate for certification shall:
- meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more and have approved seagoing service in that capacity:
- for certification as second engineer officer, have not less than 12 months as qualified engineer officer, and
- for certification as chief engineer officer, have not less than 36 months: however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as second engineer officer; and
- have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A-III/2 of the STCW Code.
- meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more and have approved seagoing service in that capacity:
Disclaimer: For general information purpose only - please check with IMO STCW Convention for the latest requirements and accurate info
LAST UPDATED ON Aug 11, 2021