Fully Online Maritime Safety, Security, Mental Health and Drug Awareness Short Courses for Organizations and Seafarers by VIRSEC
Founded in 2016, VIRSEC is an award-winning e-Learning company located n Manchester, UK. VIRSEC Specializes in the delivery of regulatory, bespoke, and accredited online courses. The range of courses include - Maritime, Port Security, Personal Security & Self Defense, Anti-terrorism & Risk Mitigation, Business Support & Compliance, and Health and Safety. VIRSEC is recognized for its delivery of excellence and customer service.
VIRSEC is UK DfT Maritime & Coastguard Agency (UK MCA), Liberian Registry and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) approved course provider. The growing range of online courses are also completed fully online with an end-of-course assessment and the certificates are awarded immediately.
All VIRSEC courses are fully online. This includes the MCA Approved courses which require no attendance of a test center as the assessment is also fully online. VIRSEC is the first company to be approved by the UK DfT MCA to run Maritime Security STCW ISPS courses 100% online. Your official certificate will be emailed to you in PDF format.
- Misc. Maritime Short Courses
- Mental Health Courses
- Drug Awareness Courses
- MCA & USCG Courses
- Liberia Registry Courses
Maritime Courses Online
Maritime Short Courses Online
- Introduction to the Risk Assessments Process for Ship's Crew: This course serves as an introductory guide to the risk assessment process tailored specifically for seafarers.
- Elements of Shipboard Safety: Maritime training course for seafarers to understand their responsibilities towards safety on board the vessel.
- Vessel Safety Management Committees: Maritime training course designed to provide an introduction to vessel safety management committees.
- Cyber Security Courses: Cyber Security awareness courses specifically tailored for seafarers working and living onboard vessels
- Lithium-ion Battery Courses: Maritime Safety training for vessel crew & staff compliant with ISM Code
Mental Health Courses Online
- Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health - Level 1: Training to enhance mental health awareness among seafarers on board ships, fostering a supportive environment for their well-being.
- Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health - Level 2: training for crew supervisors to enhance their mental health awareness to identify potential issues on board ship.
Drug Awareness Online Courses
- Drug Abuse Awareness for Crew & Staff in the Commercial Sector: Designed to raise awareness among the crew & staff of commercial Cargo, offshore mobile platforms & ferries regarding drug-related issues.
- Drug Abuse Awareness for the Superyacht & Mega Yacht Sector: Designed to raise awareness among yacht crew & staff about drug-related issues that may arise on board vessels
- Drug Abuse Awareness for Crew & Staff in the Cruise Ship Sector: Designed to raise awareness and understanding of drug & alcohol-related issues within the cruise ship sector.
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Other STCW Courses
UK MCA Approved Online Security Courses
- UK MCA STCW-ISPS Courses: UK MCA Approved Security Awareness (PSA), Designated Security Duties (PDSD), Ship Security Officer (SSO) courses with sectorwise specialization for Commercial Ships, Yachts & Superyachts and Cruise Ship personnel.
USCG Approved STCW Courses
- USCG Approved Crowd Management & Passenger Safety: USCG approved Crowd Management & Passenger Safety for personnel employed in Passenger ships.
Liberian Registry STCW Courses
- Online Security Awareness Course - Liberian Registry: Liberian Registry (LISCR) Approved Maritime Security Training for Crew & Staff Without Security-Related Duties Onboard a Vessel – IMO Model Course 3.27
- Liberian Registry STCW'78 Crowd Management & Passenger Safety: Liberian Registry (LISCR) Approved STCW’78 Crowd Management & Passenger Safety Training for Crew & Staff Onboard Ships – IMO Model Course 1.41
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LAST UPDATED ON Oct 19, 2024