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MARITAS Maritime Training & Assessment Services

Marine Certificate and Diploma Programs & MCA Approved Maritime and STCW Training Courses throughout UK and in France

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Established in 2002 and headquartered in Silverdale Lancashire UK, MARITAS (Maritime Training & Assessment Services) delivers SQA and MCA approved training throughout UK, in France and Sardinia. MARITAS has been involved in the development and delivery of maritime education, training and assessment at the highest levels for many years, including writing many of the current near coastal deck qualification units for Maritime Studies Qualification pathways.

MARITAS also offers a comprehensive service for training and assessment of personnel. These are supported open learning programs that allow candidates to work largely in their own ports and in their own time. Components of the programs include - Learning Appraisals, Learning support (local tutoring or online), Assessment, and Orals examination preparation.

In addition to the courses, MARITAS offers consultancy services including developing and delivering training programs, writing material such as learning modules and tests, technical advice regarding learning and assessment, appraisal of candidates, appraisal of learning material and programs, audits of training programs. Training locations include Dover, Liverpool, Lowestoft, Middlesbrough, Monaco, Orkney, Scotland, and South Shields.

maritas maritime training

Training Programs

Maritime Certificate & Diploma Courses

  • Certificate in Maritime Studies - Able Seafarer (MN, Tugs) ((Deck & Engine) (10-12 months)
  • Certificate in Maritime Studies - Boatmaster (various duration)
  • Certificate in Maritime Studies -Master (Tugs) < 500gt and <3000gt (various duration)
  • Higher National Certificate in Nautical Science OOW Deck unlimited (24-30 months)
  • Diploma in Maritime Studies - Workboats (Equivalent to ‘Workboat Apprenticeship’ Qualification) (10-12 months)
  • Diploma in Maritime Studies - OOW (MN, Tugs, Yachts) (Deck & Engine) (24 months)

Maritime Short Courses

  • Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (5 days)
  • Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (5 days)
  • Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (5 days)
  • Assessor Course Recognized by NWA (1 day)
  • Control non ECDIS Electronic Chart Systems (3 days)
  • Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) -Generic (5 days)
  • Human Element Leadership and Management (HELM) - Management Level (5 days)
  • Human Element Leadership and Management (HELM) - Operational Level (3 days)
  • MCA 1 Day Stability (1 day)
  • MCA Oral Exam Prep (Including 200gt Master) (5 days)
  • Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training (NAEST) - Operational Level (10+ days)
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness (half day)
  • RADECS Award in Maritime Studies - Use of Radar and ECS in Code Vessels (5 days)
  • Use Radar for Navigation and collision avoidance (3 days)