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Denmark Mates and Watchkeeping Mate Requirements - Danish Seafarer Certifications

Danish Certificate of Competency as a Watchkeeping Mate, Mate 2nd Class, Mate 3rd Class and Mate 4th Class for Seafarers Working in Danish Registered Ships

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Deck officers are licensed seafarers responsible for the navigation and safe passage of the ship and Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) requires that the deck officers hold appropriate certificate of competency. Give below are the requirements for a certificate of competency for Watchkeeping Mate, Mate 2nd Class, 3rd Class and Mate 4th Class officers. A Mate 2nd Class is a licensed deck officer of a merchant ship and is the third in command and a watchkeeping officer. A Mate 3rd Class or third officer is a licensed member and is a watchstander, generally.

Mate, 4th class (STCW regulation II/3) may work in Ships of less than 500 gross tonnage (200-499 tons) on near-coastal voyages. Mate, 3rd class (STCW regulation II/2) may work in Ships of less than 3000 gross tonnage (20-2999) as chief mate and officer in charge of a Navigational watch (STCW regulation II/1). In order to acquire a certificate of competency as a watchkeeping mate, a mate 2nd class, 3rd class and 4th class, the person concerned shall have certain requirements as per the order 1145 of the Danish Maritime Authority.

danish ship mates

Deck officers are licensed seafarers responsible for the navigation and safe passage of the ship

General Requirements for Mate

  • Age: 18 years
  • Hold a health certificate for seafarers valid for the service for which the certificate of competency entitles the holder, including be fit for lookout duty
  • Hold a valid certificate as a radio operator in GMDSS (GOC or ROC)
  • If not otherwise stated, have completed the prescribed seagoing service on merchant ships with a gross tonnage of or above 20
  • Documentation of seagoing service

Danish Mate Training Requirements

  • Have completed the Basic Training module for ship's assistants and, subsequently, have completed 12 months' seagoing service as a candidate for certification as a mate under an approved training program OR
  • Have completed the basic training module for ship's assistants, have completed 18 months' seagoing service and hold a valid watchkeeping certificate* OR
  • Have completed the final training module for ship's assistants, have completed 15 months' seagoing service and hold a valid watchkeeping certificate* OR
  • Meet the requirements for signing on as an able ship's assistant, have completed 12 months' seagoing service as a ship's assistant and hold a valid watchkeeping certificate  OR
  • Have completed practical training as a student at an approved training scheme for qualification as a ship's officer or navigating officer

Denmark Mate Sea Service Requirements

  • Deck Officers: In order to acquire a certificate as a watchkeeping mate and as a mate, 2nd and 3rd class, 12 months of the seagoing service prescribed shall have been completed in ships with a gross tonnage of or above 500, and 6 months in ships outside coastal trade.
  • Officers on Offshore Platforms: If you serve on board an offshore unit in a position where a certificate of competency as a navigating officer is required, it is possible to include the service for maintaining the required certificate of competency.
  • Tow Master: When serving as a tow master where there is a requirement for a certificate of competency as a navigating officer, the actual seagoing service will be included.
  • Students: Students on the ship's officer training program as well as students who continue the ship's officer training program in accordance with the original education plan/module structure must have their training period at sea must take place in a shipping company approved by the UDS. The major part of the seagoing service must be as versatile as possible on board Cargo carrying merchant ships and the "watchkeeping certificate" must be acquired during the first six months of the training period at sea.
  • Training Record Book and Seagoing Service: Either documented through an approved training record book that the training program under the duration of the seagoing service mentioned above was completed with a satisfactory result OR have completed a total of 36 months' seagoing deck service.

Denmark Mate Exam Requirements

dma mate exam requirements
Table: DMA Mate Exam Requirements  Source: DMA

* Persons meeting the exam requirements stipulated and meeting the requirement stipulated in Sea Service Requirements, except for the requirement for seagoing service outside coastal trade, may acquire a certificate as a watchkeeping mate or a certificate as a mate, 3rd class, respectively, with endorsement that the certificate entitles the holder to serve only on ships in coastal trade.

* Persons meeting the exam requirements stipulated and meeting the requirement stipulated in Sea Service Requirements, except for the requirement for seagoing service in ships with a gross tonnage of or above 500, may acquire a certificate as a watchkeeping mate or a certificate as a mate, 3rd class, respectively, with endorsement that the certificate entitles the holder to serve only on ships with a gross tonnage below 500.

STCW & Other Certificate Requirements

mates stcw other certificates
Table: DMA Mates STCW & Other Certificate Requirements (All Vessels)  Source: DMA

  1. The training forms part of the Danish maritime training programs
  2. The medical caretaker is the master and additional crew member appointed to that function.
  3. The training program forms part of the ship officer, skipper and master training programs

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EU FLAG APPROVED STCW AND ISPS TRAINING & CERTIFICATION ONLINE  - Cyprus (EU) Approved STCW & ISPS Security Awareness (PSA), Designated Security Duties (DSD) & Ship Security Officer (SSO) Courses Training Online.

Dsclaimer: For general information purpose only. Please check with DMA for the latest and accurate information