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International Safety Management (ISM) Courses Online - ABS & Liberia Approved Maritime Training

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Ship Safety Officer, ISM Awareness, and ISM Internal Auditor Online Courses Approved by ABS & Liberia (LISCR)

SQLearn is an online training center approved by Cyprus, Liberia, Panama and ABS and offers e-learning courses for seafarers, cruise ship and yachts crews. The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) is a classification society, established to promote the Security of life, property and the natural environment.

The International Safety Management (ISM) Code is an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships at sea. It is a key component of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) regulations, designed to ensure that ships operate safely, efficiently, and in compliance with environmental regulations.

International Safety Management (ISM) online courses provide a vital resource for mastering the principles and practices essential for maintaining the highest safety standards at sea. The courses designed for maritime professionals, from ship officers to fleet managers, offer in-depth training on the ISM Code, a crucial framework for managing safety and environmental protection.

Online ISM Courses

ISM Courses (ABS, Liberia Approved)

  • Ship Safety Officer (ABS, Liberia Approval):  Under the International Safety Management (ISM) code, every ship must appoint a Ship Safety Officer who has the knowledge, experience, and skills to look over the important safety issues related to ship safety and crew’s well-being.
  • Ship Safety Officer Incident (ABS, Liberia Approval):  The aim of this course is to properly prepare the individual to carry out successfully the role of Safety Officer onboard and:
  • ISM Awareness (ABS, Liberia Approval): This aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the requirements, principles, and contents of the ISM Code in order to improve the safety and environmental performance of ships.
  • Ship General Safety (Liberia): This course aims to provide seafarers with essential knowledge to ensure a safe working environment onboard, to contribute to a strong safety culture and to promote occupational health and safety on ships.
  • ISM Internal Auditor (ABS, Liberia Approval):  The aim of this course is to provide learners with the fundamental understanding, knowledge, and skills, in order to effectively carry out or participate in any shipping company’s ISM internal audit process.

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ABS Approved ISM Courses Online