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USCG Master of Towing Vessels Requirements - Merchant Mariner Credential

USCG Requirements for Master of Towing Vessels Upon Ocean, Near Coastal, Great Lakes & Inland and Western Rivers

Master of Towing Vessels is a specialized license and the highest officer positions to work in a short-haul towing environment designated by the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Earning a Master of Towing reflects the time and experience you have and follow certain process needs to be followed that takes time and commitment.

A Master of a Towing Vessel means much more than just owning a license and is responsible for knowing all the regulations to which he or she and their crew must comply. A master’s first and foremost responsibility is the safety of his crew. The duties and responsibilities include - Moving and delivering freight or Cargo, keeping accurate records of the crew and their responsibilities, upkeep and maintenance of the vessel in which he or she is in charge, customer service, and more.

Getting a Master of Towing license depends on the current endorsements you hold and proper documentation including the certificates and documenting your experience in towing vessels is an important task which needs to be done meticulously over the months and years. Below you can find the full details of the requirements for a Master of Towing Vessels license/endorsement.

Master of Towing (Ocean)

A license as master of towing vessels endorsed for oceans authorizes service on oceans routes and on the subordinate routes of near-coastal waters and Great Lakes-inland waters (except Western Rivers), without further endorsement.

Master of Towing (Near Coastal)

A license as master of towing vessels endorsed for near-coastal waters routes authorizes service on near-coastal waters routes and Great Lakes-inland waters routes (except Western Rivers), without further endorsement.

Master of Towing (Great Lakes-inland)

A license as master of towing vessels endorsed for Great Lakes-inland waters routes authorizes service on Great Lakes-inland waters routes (except Western Rivers) without further endorsement.

Master of Towing (Western Rivers)

A license as master of towing vessels, endorsed for Western Rivers routes, authorizes service on Western Rivers routes without further endorsement.

Pic Courtesy: Master of Towing Vessels Association


Master of Towing Vessels is a specialized license and the highest officer positions to work in a short-haul towing environment designated by the USCG

Master of Towing Vessels General Requirements

  • Must have U.S. Citizenship
  • Must be at least Age 21
  • Approved Medical Certificate

USCG Master of Towing Vessels Requirements

  • If only holds Limited Master of T/V and no Master Greater Than 200 GRT (500 GRT or above) is held, the applicant must first obtain Mate (Pilot)
  • A person holding this endorsement may qualify for an STCW endorsement, according to 11.307, 11.311, 11.313 and 11.315.

Sea Service Requirements

  • Recency: 90 days service in the past 3 years on vessels. A minimum tonnage is not applicable for towing MMC. Not required for adding a route or adding to current MMC greater than 200 GRT.
  • 540 days must be on towing vessels as Mate (Pilot) AND 90 days, in any deck position, on requested route (unless route previously held as AMS or Mate (Pilot)).
  • Note: If route previously held only as AMS, may need TOAR for other route(s))

Service Credit

  • Service on Great Lakes (GL) will be credited day for day towards GL, Oceans or Near Coastal (NC)
  • Service on inland waters, other than GL, may substitute for up to 50% of the total required service towards Ocean and NC
  • Only service on Western Rivers (WR) is applicable towards WR endorsement
  • The OC or NC TOAR must still be completed to obtain the OC or NC MMC

Master of Towing Vessels Requirements for Master More (Greater) Than 200 GRT

  • May operate towing vessels within any restrictions (this includes routes) on their endorsement if they have - 30 days of training & observation on towing vessels on a particular route; AND
  • Either hold a completed TOAR OR complete an approved course.
  • Note: Western Rivers requires 90 days of observation and training, TOAR or approved course and must be endorsed on credential.
  • EXCEPTION:  If operating on LMR Pilotage waters (MM 236 and below), not required to hold WR endorsement but must hold either a FCP for that route, a MMC for Western Rivers or Master greater than 200 GRT for other routes/waters

Master of Towing Vessels Requirements for Removing Tonnage Limitation

  • Western Rivers: 90 days of observation and training on towing vessels; AND WR TOAR; AND evidence of Apprentice Mate/Steersman WR course/testing.
  • Inland: 90 days of observation and training; AND Inland TOAR; AND evidence of Apprentice Mate Inland course/testing.
  • Near Coastal/Oceans: 90 days of observation and training; AND NC/Oceans TOAR; AND evidence of Apprentice Mate/Steersman NC/Oceans course/testing.
  • Note: No testing required if requested route is held as AMS or Mate (Pilot) on the requested route as master.

Requirements for Adding a Route not held as Master

  • Western Rivers: 90 days of observation and training on towing vessels; AND WR TOAR; AND evidence of Apprentice Mate/Steersman WR course/testing.
  • Inland: 90 days of observation and training; AND Inland TOAR; AND evidence of Apprentice Mate Inland course/testing.
  • Near Coastal/Oceans: 90 days of observation and training; AND NC/Oceans TOAR; AND evidence of Apprentice Mate/Steersman NC/Oceans course/testing.
  • Note: No testing required if requested route is held as AMS or Mate (Pilot) on the requested route as master. See exam guide to determine testing for adding routes.

Master of Towing Vessels Other Requirements

  • First Aid (completed within 1 year)
  • Valid CPR For All Routes
  • Approved Basic Fire Fighting Course within 5 years of application date (unless previously met)
  • Valid STCW BT is acceptable
  • For Oceans: Basic Fighting as noted above and Advanced Fire Fighting Course within 5 years of application date (unless previously met). Valid STCW Advanced Firefighting is acceptable
  • The unless previously met noted above for firefighting covers most exceptions to Basic and/or Advanced Firefighting requirements. See NVIC 03-16, Enclosure (10) for all exceptions if firefighting not met or submitted


  • Course completion certificate in lieu of Coast Guard examination
  • A person holding this endorsement may qualify for an STCW endorsement, according to 11.307, 11.311, 11.313 and 11.315 

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Disclaimer: For general information purpose - please check with USCG for the latest requirements and accurate info