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Maritime NZ Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) Requirements - Seafarer Certifications

Maritime NZ Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) National Certificate (MNZ SeaCert) Requirements for New Zealand Seafarers

qualified deck crew qdc

Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) is a national deck certificate. With a QDC certificate, you can perform the functions and duties of a deck crew member on non-passenger ships and passenger ships of less than 24 meters length, operating in restricted and near-coastal waters. You must have a passenger endorsement if the ship is carrying more than 250 passengers.

This guideline is for new applicants for the Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) certificate of proficiency. It does not cover recognition of an equivalent certificate obtained outside New Zealand. The information in this guideline covers training, sea service and other requirements for the certificate. From QDC, you can progress to Skipper Restricted Limits (SRL).

large boat

With a QDC certificate, you can perform the functions and duties of a deck crew member on non-passenger ships and passenger ships of less than 24m

MNZ Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) General Requirements

  • 16 years old
  • Medically fit and have good eyesight (visual acuity and colour vision)
  • Good character and a fit and proper person
  • Complete the QDC training record book
  • Must have the required ancillary certificates
  • Pass MNZ’s final exam

MNZ Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) Requirements

MNZ Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) Prior Certification Requirements

  • None required

MNZ Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) Sea Service Requirements

  • You must complete and document the tasks set out in the approved QDC training record book (also known as a STaRS book) while on board a commercial ship or warship.

MNZ Qualified Deck Crew Training and Record Book Requirements

  • You must complete an evidence-based QDC training record book, which you can download from the MNZ website. You may use another training record book developed by a training provider, provided that the book has been approved by MNZ.
  • The training record book is designed to help you obtain practical skills and competencies for the QDC certificate in a workplace environment. There is no additional training required for the certificate.

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MNZ Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) Ancillary Certificates 

mnz qdc ancillary certificates
Table: Maritime NZ Qualified Deck Crew Ancillary Certificate Requirements - Credits: MNZ

  • Your ancillary certificates must  be current (not expired); conform to the STCW regulations and have the appropriate regulation reference number; and be from a training provider approved under the New Zealand Education Act or by MNZ, or from a training provider in a country where MNZ has determined that ancillary training is STCW-compliant.

Disclaimer: For general information purpose - please check with Maritime NZ for the latest requirements and accurate info