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Maritime NZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) Requirements - Seafarer Certifications

Maritime NZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) Certificate of Proficiency (MNZ SeaCert & STCW) Requirements for New Zealand Seafarers

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The Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) certificate corresponds with a certificate issued under regulation III/5 of the International Convention on the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 2010 (STCW). With this certificate, you can perform the functions and duties of an engine rating forming part of a Navigational watch on ships of any gross tonnage in any operating area.

The information in this guideline covers training, sea service and other requirements for the certificate and it does not cover recognition of an equivalent certificate obtained outside New Zealand. From AB Engine, you can progress to Integrated Rating and to the operational-level officer certificate Marine Engineer Class 3.

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MNZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) General Requirements

  • 18 years old, medically fit and have good eyesight
  • Good character and a fit and proper person
  • Must hold a current Engine Watch Rating certificate
  • Must have met the minimum sea service requirements
  • Complete and pass an approved training course
  • Must have the required ancillary certificates
  • Pass MNZ’s final exam

MNZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) Requirements

MNZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) Prior Certification Requirements

  • You must have an Engine Watch Rating (EWR) certificate

MNZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) Sea Service Requirements

  • Your sea service must be relevant and appropriate to the requirements set out in the maritime rules. In practice, this will require you to have completed your sea service in the engine department of commercial ships with 750kW main propulsion power or more, operating beyond restricted limits, while holding an EWR certificate. There are two options for the sea service -
  • Option 1: at least 6 months’ sea service as part of an approved on-board training programme and completing a training record book
  • Option 2: at least 12 months’ sea service.

AB Engine Training Record Book

  • The Director of MNZ has approved the International Shipping Federation’s On Board Training Record Book for Engine Ratings (including new STCW grade of ‘Able Seafarer Engine’) as a record of training and experience for Engine Watch Rating and as approved training for AB Engine.

MNZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) Training and Exam Requirements

  • You must attend and pass a training course that is acceptable to the Director of MNZ to achieve all of the required competencies for this certificate, as specified in section A-III/5 of the STCW Convention.
  • You must pass a final examination by an MNZ-approved examiner. This is currently an oral examination and is usually arranged by your training provider. Your results will be sent to MNZ.

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MNZ Able Seafarer Engine (AB Engine) Ancillary Certificates

mnz ab engine ancillary certificates
Table: Maritime NZ AB Engine Ancillary Certificate Requirements - Credits: MNZ

Disclaimer: For general information purpose - please check with Maritime NZ for the latest requirements and accurate info