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USCG Electro-Technical Rating (ETR) Requirements - Merchant Mariner Credential

USCG STCW Electro-Technical Rating 750kW/1,000 HP or More - General, Sea Service and Other Requirements by U.S. Coast Guard

etr uscg

The ETR Rating is a new rating issued under regulation III/7 of the International Convention on the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, as amended (STCW). ETR performs Electrical, electronic and control engineering functions and duties at a support level on a ship of any propulsion power in any operating area.

The duties involved for the ETR are similar to the Electro Technical Officer (ETO) but at a support level. An ETR monitors all onboard electronic and electrical equipment and maximizes the operational safety and efficiency of the vessel.

The main areas of expertise of ETR are Electrical and Electronic Systems and Automation and Control Technology.

etr uscg requirements

General Requirements for STCW Electro-Technical Rating

  • Age: 18 years of age.
  • TWIC (Transportation Workers Identification Card)
  • Medical Certificate
  • Drug testing compliance (within 6 months)
  • Sea Service letters or discharges

USCG Other Approved Training Requirements for ETR

  • Basic Training
  • Computer systems and maintenance
  • High-voltage power systems

USCG STCW Electro-Technical Rating 750kW/1,000 HP or More Sea Service Requirements

  • Must hold or qualify for a national endorsement as QMED or Wiper

Sea Service Requirements

  • Option 1: 360 days of seagoing service that includes training and experience associated with engine-room watch-keeping functions and involves the performance of duties carried out under the supervision of an engineer officer, electro-technical officer, or a qualified STCW engine rating, OR
  • Option 2: Proof of successful completion of a Coast-Guard approved or accepted program, which includes not less than 180 days of approved seagoing service, OR
  • Option 3: Hold STCW as Able Seafarer Engine and a national endorsement as Electrician, Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer, or Junior Engineer will qualify for ETR upon completion of Standard of Competence specified in table A-III/7 of the STCW Code


  • Provide evidence of meeting the Standard of Competence specified in Table AIII/7 of the STCW Code. (Unless included in approved program)

Approved Training

  • Valid Basic Training


  • Note 1: The training requirements of Computer Systems and Maintenance or High Voltage Training were removed with Change 3 NVIC 24-14 on August 26, 2021.
  • Note 2: Seagoing service is considered to be service on board a vessel that is relevant to qualification for ETR. The Coast Guard will accept service in the engine department of ocean, near-coastal, Great Lakes, or inland vessels of at least 750 kW/1,000 HP as being relevant to ETR. Mariners may also acquire service on vessels of less than 750 kW/1,000 HP by providing evidence that their service included duties relevant to the ETR endorsement.