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AMSA Domestic Engineer Tickets (Certificate of Competency) Requirements

AMSA Engineer Certification Requirements for Seafarers on a Commercial Vessel in Australian Domestic Waters

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The National System for Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety was introduced in Australia in 2013 under the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 (National Law). If you want to work on a commercial vessel in Australian waters, you must hold an appropriate certificate of competency issued under the National System for Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety. By law, any person working as a certified crew member on a commercial vessel in Australia must hold the relevant certificate of competency. This ensures that people operating commercial vessels are competent and medically fit for their assigned tasks and areas of operation.

You must get a Certificate of Competency or revalidate your existing qualification to work in Australian domestic waters.

marine engine

If you want to work on a commercial vessel in Australian waters, you must hold an appropriate certificate of competency issued under the National System for Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety.

General Requirements - AMSA Domestic Engineer Certificate of Competency

  • Age: Must be at least 16 years old on the certificate issue date
  • Medical: If you're applying for a high complexity certificate of competency, you are required to submit a Certificate of medical fitness for a near coastal qualification form 559.
  • Eyesight: If you're applying for a new certificate of competency, you'll need to submit a completed Eyesight test certificate form 542. There are two components of the eyesight test - vision (near and distance) and colour vision.
  • Sea Service: Record of sea service form 771, OR an approved sea service log book, OR the on board sea service record from your task book,OR a letter from the vessel operator, owner, master or chief engineer detailing your sea service.
  • Course Requirements: You need to get training from an AMSA approved training organization.
  • After meeting all the other requirements for the certificate - pass a final assessment

Marine Engine Driver Grade 3 Near Coastal Requirements

  • Certification: This certificate will allow you to work - as chief engineer on a vessel with an inboard engine with propulsion power up to 500 kilowatts within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ); as chief engineer on a vessel with an outboard engine of unlimited propulsion power within the EEZ; as second engineer on a vessel with an inboard engine with propulsion power up to 750 kilowatts within the EEZ; as an assistant under the general supervision of the chief engineer within the EEZ; and in the engine room of a vessel with an inboard engine with propulsion power up to 3000 kilowatts within the EEZ
  • The applicant must have completed a Marine Engine Driver Grade 3 course at Certificate 2 level & must also hold a valid HLTAID011 first aid certificate, or equivalent.

Marine Engine Driver Grade 3 Sea Service Requirements

  • You need to show you have experience working at sea as a general purpose hand (with or without a certificate), as a Coxswain Grade 2 or 1 near coastal, or assisting an engineer, while on vessels with at least 75 kilowatts propulsion power.
  • With a completed AMSA task book, you will need - 20 days of sea service on commercial vessels. At least half of the sea service on vessels with inboard diesel engines
  • Without an AMSA task book, you will need - 60 days of sea service on commercial or recreational vessels. At least half of the sea service on vessels with inboard diesel engines

Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 Near Coastal Requirements

  • Certification: This certificate will allow you to work as - Chief engineer on vessels with inboard engines with propulsion power up to 750 kilowatts within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ); Chief or second engineer on a vessel with outboard engines with unlimited propulsion power within the EEZ; Second engineer on vessels with inboard engines with propulsion power up to 1500 kilowatts within the EEZ; An assistant under the general supervision of the chief engineer; and, In the engine room of a vessel with propulsion power up to 3000 kilowatts within the EEZ.
  • Have completed a Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 course at Certificate 3 level; and must also hold a valid Provide first aid certificate, or equivalent

Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 NC Sea Service Requirements

  • You need to show you have experience working at sea in an engineering capacity, performing duties as an engineer, engine driver, assistant to an engineer or engine driver, or as a general purpose hand.
  • With a completed AMSA task book, you will need - 180 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts; and 90 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts while holding a workshop skills equivalent qualification
  • Without an AMSA task book, you will need - 360 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts; and 180 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts while holding a workshop skills equivalent qualification

Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal Requirements

  • Certification: The Marine engine driver grade 1 near coastal certificate of competency will allow you to operate - As chief engineer on vessels with inboard engines with propulsion power up to 1500 kilowatts within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ); As second engineer on vessels with inboard engines with propulsion power up to 3000 kilowatts within the EEZ; As chief or second engineer on vessels with outboard engines with unlimited propulsion power within the EEZ; As an assistant under the general supervision of the chief engineer within the EEZ; and, In the engine room of a vessel up to 100 metres long with propulsion power up to 3000 kilowatts within the EEZ.
  • The applicant must have completed a Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 course at Certificate 4 level; and must also hold a valid Provide first aid certificate, or equivalent

Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 NC Sea Service Requirements

  • The sea service you need depends on the certificate of competency or other qualification you currently hold. All sea service must be done on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines with at least 375 kilowatts propulsion power, and while working in an engineering capacity.
  • With a completed AMSA task book you will need - 120 days of engineering sea service while holding a Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal; and 90 days of engineering sea service while holding a workshop skill equivalent qualification
  • Without an AMSA task book you will need - 240 days of engineering sea service  while holding a Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal ; and 180 days of engineering sea service while holding a workshop skill equivalent qualification 

Engineer Class 3 Near Coastal Requirements

  • Certification: The Engineer class 3 near coastal certificate of competency will allow you to operate - As chief engineer on vessels with inboard engines with propulsion power up to 3000 kilowatts within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ); As chief engineer or second engineer on vessels with outboard engines with unlimited propulsion power within the EEZ; As an assistant under the general supervision of the chief engineer within the EEZ; and, In the engine room of a vessel up to 100 metres long with propulsion power up to 3000 kilowatts within the EEZ.
  • The applicant must have completed a Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 course at Certificate 4 level; and must also hold a valid Provide first aid certificate, or equivalent

Engineer Class 3 NC Sea Service Requirements

  • The sea service you need depends on the certificate of competency or other qualification you currently hold. All sea service must be done on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines with at least 400 kilowatts propulsion power, and while working in an engineering capacity. 
  • With a completed AMSA task book, you will need - 180 days of engineering sea service while holding a Marine engine driver grade 1 near coastal; and 120 days of engineering sea service while holding a workshop skill equivalent qualification
  • Without an AMSA task book, you will need - 360 days of engineering sea service while holding a Marine engine driver grade 1 near coastal; 240 days of engineering sea service while holding a Workshop skill equivalent qualification; and 90 days of engineering sea service while holding an AMSA Engineer watchkeeper certificate of competency