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AMSA Watchkeeper Deck Yachts Requirements - Australia Yachting Qualifications

AMSA Watchkeeper Deck Yachts CoC Requirements (General, Sea Service and STCW) for Australian International Seafarers

amsa watchkeeper yacht

This section includes the AMSA International Qualifications (CoC) and requirements under STCW for Watchkeeper Deck less than 3000 Gross Tonnage (Yachts). Watchkeeper Deck <3000 GT (Yachts) certificate allows you to perform the duties or functions of Watchkeeper deck officer duties or functions on yachts <3000 GT in any operating area, duties as Rating forming part of a Navigational watch, and if endorsed, master duties or functions on yachts <200 GT and <24 m long in any operating area.

Yacht means a vessel that is less than 3000 gross tonnage, is commercial use for sport or pleasure, does not carry Cargo, and does not carry more than 12 passengers. A yacht does not need to be designed to carry sail and may be a training vessel, a sail training vessel or a short ranger yacht provided they are not designed to carry cargo.

 watchkeeper deck yachts amsa

Yacht means a vessel that is less than 3000 gross tonnage, is commercial use for sport or pleasure, does not carry cargo, and does not carry more than 12 passengers

General Requirements for Watchkeeper Deck <3000 GT (Yachts)

  • To be eligible for a Watchkeeper Deck <3000 GT (Yachts) certificate of competency you must meet medical, sea service and course requirements.
  • The requirements depend on whether you are getting a certificate for the first time or revalidating an existing certificate.
  • The person must have passed a final assessment.
  • For endorsement as Master <200 GT (Yachts) have passed a final assessment for the endorsement

AMSA Watchkeeper Deck <3000 GT (Yachts) CoC Requirements

  • Person must be at least 18 years old.

Watchkeeper Deck <3000 GT (Yachts) Sea Service Requirements

  • Have completed at least 36 months documented qualifying seagoing service (or at least 18 months if part of an approved and monitored course) performing watchkeeping duties or functions in the deck department on vessels ≥12 m long, of which at least 8 months was served on vessels ≥20 m long on voyages of at least 24 hours duration; and at least 6 months of the 8 months mentioned here was served as - understudy of the officer in charge of a navigation watch on a vessel; or an officer in charge of a navigation watch on a vessel, that AMSA considers equivalent to the watchkeeping service mentioned above.
  • The service as an understudy of an officer in charge of a navigational watch must be performed while completing an approved deck watchkeeper understudy program and the seagoing service is performed - in the deck department; and in shifts of at least 4 hours; and includes the following - 100 hours performing duties as lookout; 100 hours performing duties in daylight hours; 100 hours performing duties in darkness; and 180 hours performing watchkeeping duties under supervision.

Watchkeeper Deck <3000 GT (Yachts) STCW Training and Certificate Requirements

  • Have completed an approved program of study that meets the standards specified in STCW Code section A-II/1 and includes the following:

amsa watchkeeper deck yachts stcw training
Table: AMSA Watchkeeper Deck 3000gt Yachts certificates and training requirements.