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Commercial Maritime and Shipping Career Short Courses Online - marinEd

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Online Maritime Business, Maritime Law & Marine Insurance Short Courses for Onshore Career Development

marinEd was established in Hamburg with support from the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the German Federal Employment Agency to provide relevant online education, skills development and information that improves shoreside awareness for seafarers who are transitioning from ship-to-shore globally.

marinEd’s online maritime professional development courses are informed by feedback from maritime industry stakeholders and feature course leaders who are esteemed academics from leading universities, primarily in the United Kingdom. This ensures the continual enhancement of their curriculum with relevant, high-quality content, including short courses that address current issues and emerging trends.

The short courses offered by marinEd are designed to be both engaging and interactive, with the learning experience continuously refined through advanced analytics on their Learning Management System. 

Online Maritime Short Courses

Marine Insurance Short Courses

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  • Core Principles of Marine Insurance: This short course examines key principles of Marine Insurance, with a particular focus on uberrimae fidei, also known as the principle of utmost good faith. It further addresses the modifications to this principle introduced by the UK Insurance Act 2015, which redefined it as the duty of fair presentation.
  • General Average and Protection and Indemnity:  This short course provides a look at the concept of general average, its role in maritime practice, what constitutes general average and what is a general average contribution. Additionally, the course explores the role of P&I Clubs, the pay to be paid system and the important role that P&I clubs play in the shipping industry.
  • Insurable Interest and Perils of the Sea: This short course investigates the nature of marine insurance and what is insurable interest for the purposes of a marine insurance contract. It also examines the various perils of the sea and what constitutes as perils of the sea.
  • Marine Insurance Time and Voyage Policies: In this short course, two major types of marine insurance policies in use, namely time policies and voyage policies are identified. We go on to discuss time policies and how they are used in marine insurance practice. The course then examines voyage policies and valued and unvalued policies and how they are used in maritime practice.

Maritime Business Short Courses

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  • Business Models and Tools in Shipping: In the study of business models and tools, four key topics are addressed - market competitiveness, profit maximization, strategy and decision making and data analytics. Market competitiveness addresses the spectrum of competition for markets. For the profit maximisation, foundational concepts such as how to measure revenue and profit and finally define the breakeven point. The section on strategy and decision-making involves an understanding of the different definitions and tools used by businesses. In data analytics, the topic considers techniques for extracting meaningful insights
  • Business of Shipping: In the business of shipping, the importance of understanding shipping costs and the difference between shipping revenues and earnings are analyzed. This analysis involves a thorough examination of shipping statistics and analytics, as well as the practical applications within the industry.
  • Shipping Finance: Shipping Finance examines the sources of finance, company financial information, strategy and valuation, shipping cash flow analysis.
  • Shipping Freight Contracts: This short course on Shipping Freight Contracts examines different types of shipping freight contracts, explores the responsibilities of parties, and define freight transactions.
  • Shipping Market Dynamics: The course on Shipping Market Dynamics begins by posing a fundamental and practical question about Shipping Business cycle. The course discusses the dynamics of Shipping Business cycles and market sentiments, using a combination of tutorials and a case study.
  • Shipping Risk Management: Shipping risk management discusses the practice of risk management, derivatives and how to use them, financial markets mechanisms, the practice of shipping risk management and shipping freight derivatives.
  • Time Charterparties: This short course examines time charterparties, focusing on how they differ from voyage charterparties. It delves into the primary payment obligation under time charterparties, known as hire, emphasizing the importance of prompt payment. In the second part of the course, attention is directed to key clauses related to off-hire, including the circumstances under which a vessel is considered off-hire, the issuance of final orders by charterers, and the redelivery of the vessel to the shipowners.
  • Voyage Charterparties: This short course begins with an exploration of charterparties and shift the focus onto voyage charterparties. It examines various aspects and unique features of voyage charterparties like the payment obligations, namely freight, how freight is calculated, when freight is payable and by who, and remedies for non-payment. The course further addresses key concepts such as laytime, Notice of Readiness (NOR) and demurrage.

Maritime Law Short Courses

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  • Bills of Lading: This short course looks at Bills of Lading, which is considered to be the most important document in the Carriage of Goods by sea. The course identifies the various types of bills of lading, and in particular look at the different functions of the Bill of Lading, besides also identifying the key statutes on bills of lading.
  • Collision Liabilities: The study of collision liabilities addresses the laws of collision, how the laws relating to negligence, and vicarious liability are applied to collisions at sea, Collision Regulations 1960 and apportionment of liability. The course further explores the Causative Potency with regards to the Collision Regulations and how Causative Potency helps determine liability, and key case law.
  • In-Rem Proceedings: This course examines In-Rem Proceedings which are brought before the admiralty court under the Senior Courts Act 1981 in the UK. These claims would be brought against the ship or the Res, as it is referred to, which would involve the arrest of the ship and also the arrest of a sistership.
  • International Regimes on the Carriage of Goods: This short course looks at the common law undertakings, the reasons behind the Hague, and Hague/Visby Rules, the limitation regime under the Hague/Visby Rules, and the obligations of the carrier under the H/Visby Rules, when do the H/Visby Rules apply, and finally a short review on the Hamburg Rules.
  • Liens: In this short course, an examination is conducted on liens, the different types of liens and the different rights they confer on the holders of liens. The primary focus will be on maritime liens, possessory liens and equitable liens.
  • Maritime Arbitration: In this short course provides an analysis of maritime arbitration and how it helps in the settlement of maritime disputes. Additionally, the course includes a brief overview of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA).
  • Salvage: In Salvage, this course looks at what is salvage, the principle and subject matter of salvage, elements of salvage, the Brussels Convention of 1910 and LOF 1980. The course focus on the Salvage Convention of 1989 and the changes brought about by LOF 1980, and an important case law, namely The Nagasaki Spirit. Additionally, the course addresses the SCOPIC clause, a crucial component of the LOF form.

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Maritime Short Certificate Courses Online

Course: Online marinEd Short Certificate Courses (see below)
Language: English
Mode of Study: Online, Self-Paced
Assessments: Online
Certificate: Certificate of Completion

Subjects/Modules: Varies
Duration: No fixed duration
Efforts: Self-paced, 2-3 hours per week
Access: 3 months
Cost: €105 for one course

Maritime Short Certificate Courses: €105 each

**For multiple candidates or quote/Invoice, please CONTACT US

LAST UPDATED ON Aug 27, 2024