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USCG Assistance Towing & Auxiliary Sail Online - MLS Six-Pack & Master Endorsements

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UGCG Approved Online Assistance Towing and/or Auxiliary Sailing Endorsement Programs with Mariners Learning System (MLS)

Located in Pennington NJ, Mariners Learning System (MLS) provides U.S. Coast Guard Certified Licensing Courses with their flexible online training. With more than 25,000 students enrolled, a success rate of over 98% and the flexibility to study at your own pace, Mariners Learning System™ is one the best choice for obtaining your Captain’s License and is very popular among license aspirants.

The Towing Assistance Endorsement is required if you will be engaged in towing a disabled vessel for payment, such as the activities of a US Sea Tow or Tow Boat operator. Any USCG license of 200 gross tons or less, including an OUPV /Six-Pack or Master 25-50-100 Ton License, may be endorsed for assistance towing. To commercially assist other vessels that may be aground, disabled, or out of fuel, or experiencing some other malfunction requires an endorsement for Commercial Assistance Towing.

The Auxiliary Sail Endorsement is required if you want to operate an Inspected Sailing Vessel. This sailing Captain's License endorsement allows the licensed Master to carry 7 or more passengers while under sail on an inspected vessel. To add this Endorsement onto a Master Inland or Mate Near Coastal License you must document at least 180 days on a sail or auxiliary sailing vessel.

An Auxiliary Sailing Endorsement may be added onto a Master Near Coastal License by documenting at least 360 days on a sailing or auxiliary sailing vessel. This endorsement is required if you plan on operating an Inspected Sailing Vessel. It is not required if you plan on operating an Uninspected Sailing Vessel with passengers for hire.

O.U.P.V./Master Endorsements Online

USCG Assitance Towing Endorsement

mls boat captain

  • USCG Assistance Towing Endorsement Online: The Assistance Towing Endorsement is for those who hold an OUPV or Master (25/50/100 Ton) License and would like to engage in assisting vessels for a fee. Any USCG License of 200 gross tons or less, including an OUPV/Six-Pack License, may be endorsed for assistance towing. This endorsement is not a Towing license for the operation of a tugboat.
  • Exam Module (Online): Towing Endorsement has 20 questions and 70% minimum score required to pass. Those who do not pass an exam module after three attempts must wait a period of three months to retest. The student will be required to complete the entire course prior to being allowed another three attempts at each module.
  • License Application Process:  Complimentary 2-Year MM-SEAS PRO online application process consultacy membership with Assistant Towing online course.
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USCG Sailing Endorsement

  • USCG Auxiliary Sail Endorsement Online: The Auxiliary Sailing Endorsement authorizes the holder to operate an inspected sail or auxiliary sail vessel, as applicable, within the scope and limitations of their license. To add this Endorsement onto a Master Inland or Mate Near Coastal license you must document at least 180 days on a sail or auxiliary sailing vessel. A Sailing Endorsement may be added onto a Master Near Coastal license by documenting at least 360 days on a sail or auxiliary sailing vessel.
  • Exam Module (Online): Sailing Endorsement has 20 questions and 70% minimum score required to pass. Those who do not pass an exam module after three attempts must wait a period of three months to retest. The student will be required to complete the entire course prior to being allowed another three attempts at each module.
  • License Application Process: Complimentary 2-Year MM-SEAS PRO online application consultancy membership with Sailing Endorsement online course.
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