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Columbia Pacific Maritime (ColPac) - USCG Approved Maritime Training

USCG Approved Merchant Marine Credential Training Programs in Coos Bay, Oregon

columbia pacific maritime

Located in Coos Bay, Columbia Pacific Maritime (ColPac) is a US Coast Guard approved school in Oregon. The instructor is a professional mariner with 40 years of commercial sailing experience and 20 years of experience teaching US Coast Guard approved courses to adult learners. 

ColPac Maritime, is located in the Newmark Center of the Southwestern Oregon Community College (SWOCC) in the campus.

All of the classes offered are US Coast Guard approved for meeting the exam requirements of the MMC endorsement and l classes are taught over consecutive days and are limited to six students. Small classes allow for personal attention in difficult subjects.

A Merchant Mariner Credential is a Passport style book issued by the US Coast Guard to mariners that contains the mariner's professional credentials. These credentials are issued as three types of endorsements; Officer Endorsements, Rating Endorsements, and STCW Endorsements.

colpac swocc campus

Training Programs

USCG Captains & Mates License Courses

  • OUPV 6-pack Captain Course (8 days): ColPac offers an 8-day, USCG approved OUPV course for either: OUPV Inland, or OUPV Near Coastal. This course runs Monday thru Monday. And, the course is offered, at least once a month.
  • Master 100-Ton Course (10 days): This course will satisfy the exam requirements for the original issue of Master or Mate 100-ton or less.
  • Master 200-Ton Course (14 days): (ColPac Maritime also offers a 14-day USCG approved Master 200-ton two-course sequence. This course sequence will satisfy the exam requirements for Master 100-ton, and Mate 200-ton.
  • Upgrade 100 to 200-Ton Course (4 days): This approved course will upgrade a 100-ton or less limitation to 200-tons. Applicants must hold a Master or Mate 100-ton or less license to take this course.

USCG Captain Upgrade Courses

  • Upgrade OUPV Inland to Near Coastal (4 days): For this upgrade you must have an OUPV Inland, and 90-days on ocean waters.
  • Upgrade OUPV to Master (4 days): This will upgrade OUPV to Master without changing the route. However, tonnage limits of 25, 50, or 100-ton apply and, you must have the ocean time for Master Near Coastal. No additional time is need for Master Inland.
  • Upgrade Master 100 to 200-ton (4 days): This course will upgrade of tonnage only without a change in the route. Additionally -Tonnage limits of 25, 50, or 100-ton apply, and you must have time on boats over 67 GRT to qualify for 200-ton.
  • Upgrade Master Inland to Near Coastal (4 days): This course is for upgrade of Master or Mate Inland to Near Coastal, with no change in tonnage.
  • Celestial Navigation 200-tons (5 days): This course will is for upgrade of Master or Mate 200-tons or less Near Coastal to All Oceans, without a change in tonnage.
  • Auxiliary Sail Add-On (4 hours): Auxiliary Sail can be added to Master, or Mate 200-ton or less. However, this add-on requires time on sail or auxiliary sail vessels.
  • Assistance Towing Add-On (4 hours): Assistance Towing can be added to an OUPV or Master, without additional sea time.

Other USCG Courses

  • Able Seaman (AB) (5 days): Able Seaman (AB) is a USCG rating required for deckhands on most seagoing boats over 100 GRT. More importantly, getting the AB is about learning traditional seamanship skills.
  • Apprentice Mate (Steersman) of Towing (16 days): This sequence includes: Firstly, Master 100-ton course. Secondly, Upgrade 100 to 200-ton. And thirdly, the Apprentice Mate (steersman) Upgrade. In summary, the mariner will have all three certificates.
  • Master or Mate of Fishing Vessel (16 days): This sequence includes – firstly, master 100-ton; secondly, upgrade 100 to 200-ton; and thirdly: master / mate of fishing vessel upgrade.
  • Master / Mate of Fishing Vessel Partial Course (6 days): This is for mariners with a Master 100-ton Near Coastal & include - Upgrade 100 to 200-ton course & Master / Mate of Fishing Upgrade.
  • Master / Mate of Fishing Vessel Upgrade Only (2 days): This course is for mariners with a 150-ton or higher Near Coastal license.

USCG Radar & ARPA Courses

  • Radar Observer Unlimited Course (4 days): This course includes instruction in radar theory and operation - you will learn to use radar for navigation and collision avoidance. Most important: you will learn about relative motion.
  • ARPA Course (4 days): This course takes it to the next level. In short, you will learn to get the most out of radar by using the automated tools of ARPA. You must have Radar Observer to take this course.
  • Combined Radar and ARPA Course (7 days): This course is the best value. It starts with Radar Observer, and ends with ARPA. You will have one certificate and it will satisfy both Radar and ARPA requirements.

USCG License Renewal Courses

  • License Renewal (1 day): This course will renew an OUPV, OR Master or Mate 25, 50, 100, or 200-ton license.
  • Radar Renewal (1 day): This class will meet the requirements for renewal of any Radar Observer.

LAST UPDATED ON July 21, 2021