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KASI Maritime Training - Simulation Based Training Programs

Shiphandling, Pilotage, Electronic Navigation, Tug Operations and Towing, and VTS Simulation Training in Malaysia

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Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MalaysiaKASI provides professional analysis, advice and support in marine engineering and navigation, and in the management of maritime traffic. KASI has a 38-years track record of achievement in the maritime industry progressing into provision of specialist consultancy services including shiphandling simulation.

KASI facilities including state of the art 3D modeling laboratories, full range of computational modeling tools and, expert staff with skill and experience. With headquarters in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, KASI reaches out to clients locally and regionally through a network of partnerships and alliances.

KASi provides STCW compliant courses and a state-of-the-art shiphandling simulation complex allow first-class training.

kasi maritime training

Training Programs

Shiphandling Training

  • Shiphandling for Marine Pilots
  • Shiphandling for General Masters
  • Tug Handling

Pilotage Training

  • Visual Navigation and Port Familiarisation

Electronic Navigation Training

  • AIS

Tug Operations and Towing Training

  • Berthing Operations
  • Oil Rig Towing
  • Barge Towing
  • Offshore Operations: Anchor Handling (AHTS) and Dynamic Positioning (DP)
  • Rig Positioning

VTS Training

  • Basic Operator training
  • Advanced Operator training