Marine Asset Technician Training, Oil & Chemical Tanker Courses, and STCW Training Programs in Perak, Malaysia
Established in 2009, Maritime Education & Training Academy, also known as META Academy offers maritime courses for the international maritime industry.
META Academy is owned by NMSB (Niche Masterpiece Sdn Bhd) and located at Seri Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. META offers over 7 maritime courses including standard STCW related programs.
Over 200 trainees attend the classes at a time and over 800 have already completed their training since inception.
This academy has trained a large number of youths to have a profession in maritime industry and the trainees who have successfully completed the courses are eligible to be employed as crewmates worldwide.
Training Programs
Marine Training Courses
- Marine Asset Technician (3 months): The training includes BT (or Basic Safety Training), BTOCTCO (Basic Training Oil Chemical Tanker, SA (Security Awareness), DSD (Designated Security Duties), and Scaffolding DOSH (Department Occupational of Safety and Health), Crane Operator, etc.
- STCW Basic Training (BT): 5 days STCW Basic Safety Training
- Basic Training Oil Chemical Tanker (BTOCT) (6 days): BTOCT course enables individuals to understand the way of work on tanker ship.
- Security Awareness (SA) (1 day): This course allows trainees to understand the importance of security awareness as crewmates.
- Designated Security Duties (DSD) (2 days): DSD course enable trainees to understand security awareness on ships in more detailed manner.
- Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) (4 days): This course is certified as high-level STCW (Standard Training Certification Watchkeeper) Firefighting course.
- Medical First Aid (MFA) (3 days): This course is certified as advanced STCW Medical course.