Marine, Offshore, Logistics & Supply Chain management Education and Short Courses in Bedfordshire, UK
UK College/Training/Course Search
Located in East of England, Bedfordshire is a geographic county covered by three unitary authorities - Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, and Luton. Bedfordshire is bordered by, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire counties. The county town Bedford has a population of over 100,000 and other large town is Luton.
There are two universities based in the county - the University of Bedfordshire and Cranfield University. These institutions attract students from all over the UK and abroad, as well as nearby counties. The River Great Ouse links Bedfordshire to the Fenland waterways and there are few marinas in the county.
Priory Waterside & Marina is on the banks of the River Great Ouse situated within 250-acre Priory Country Park. The marina is just two miles from the town centre of Bedford and only 40 minutes by train from London.
Bedfordshire is the location of a number of notable UK and international companies such as Autoglass, Boxclever and Charles Wells Pubs and many more.
Online Maritime Training
MCA APPROVED STCW AND ISPS TRAINING & CERTIFICATION ONLINE – VIRSEC - MCA Approved STCW & ISPS Security Awareness (PSA), Designated Security Duties (DSD) & Ship Security Officer (SSO) Courses and Maritime CPD Training Online - Founded in 2016, VIRSEC is an award-winning e-Learning company located n Manchester, UK. VIRSEC Specializes in the delivery of regulatory, bespoke, and accredited online courses.
Online Career Oriented Int'l Trade Programs
INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ACADEMY (ICC ACADEMY ONLINE) - International Trade and Trade Finance Certifications and Professional Designation from ICC Academy - ICC Academy is the training arm of the International Chamber of Commerce and delivers online certification and professional development services to meet the educational needs of banks, corporate and other organizations at the forefront of International Trade.
Maritime Security Training in London
MUSC LONDON - UK MCA & DfT Approved STCW & ISPS - SSO, CSO, PFSO & PDSD Maritime Security Courses in London - Established in 1974, MUSC is a training consultancy company based in London and provides training programs for the maritime industry in Marine Safety and security. The courses in London include - Ship Security Officer, Company Security Officer, Port Facility Security Officer and more.
Maritime & Logistics Education (College Level)
CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY, CRANFIELD - Marine & Offshore, and Logistics & Supply Chain Masters Programs & Short Courses - Cranfield is a wholly postgraduate university in UK, specializing in science, technology and management and based on two campuses, with a research-oriented focus. Cranfield University has a global reputation for inspirational teaching and research, industrial-scale facilities and superior links with industry and commerce.
UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE, LUTON & BEDFORD - Purchasing, Logistics & Supply Chain Management Education at Bedfordshire Business School, Luton - Established in 2006 following a merger between the University of Luton and De Montfort University's Bedford campus, the University of Bedfordshire is based in Luton and Bedford, the two largest towns in the English county of Bedfordshire.