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Offshore Crane Operator (OCO) Stage 2 Training - OPITO Certified Training

Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Training Program for Stage 1 OCO with Offshore Crane Operator Certificate

oco stage2 training

OCO Stage 2 Training, which is more advanced training than OCO Stage 1, must be undertaken within 12 months of gaining a Stage 1 OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Certificate. Crane operators with verifiable experience can opt to undertake OCO Stage 2 Training without completing Stage 1 Training. Stage 2 training must be undertaken before undertaking Stage 2 workplace experience.

The OCO Stage 2 Workplace Experience part of the program requires the offshore crane operator learner to complete a series of supervised workplace tasks to gain relevant experience. The learner must complete a logbook record of the supervised crane operator tasks.

Learners that have completed the Stage 2 logbook requirements within two years of successful completion of OCO Stage 2 Training will be eligible to undertake the next stage of the program, which is the OCO Stage 2 Competence Assessment program. The OCO Stage 2 Training Program will have to be repeated if the Stage 2 Logbook is not completed within the two-year time period.

The Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Training Program is for individuals who have successfully completed the OPITO OCO Stage 1 Training and wish to progress to the next stage which is a more advanced training program. Or onshore crane operators who wish to undertake the OPITO Offshore Crane Operator Stage 2 Training.

  • Duration of Stage 2: Approx. 40 hours (5 days)
  • Validity: 2 years
  • Pre-requisites: Learners who wish to undertake OCO Stage 2 Training will require - An OPITO-approved OCO Stage 1 Training certificate (must be one year old or less), or An industry-recognized onshore crane operator certificate, or A company certificate and relevant evidence which states that they have completed the equivalent of OPITO Offshore Crane Operator OCO Stage 1 Training within the last 12 months.

oco stage2 opito

OPITO OCO Stage 2 Training

Offshore Crane Systems

  • Types of offshore cranes
  • Main systems and components of offshore cranes
  • Offshore crane configurations and principles of stability
  • Crane operational safety systems
  • Crane wire ropes
  • Crane pennants and hooks
  • Emergency safety systems

Offshore Crane Operator Role and Responsibilities

  • The roles and responsibilities of personnel in an offshore crane operation lifting team
  • Communications
  • Regulations and safe systems of work

Dynamic Loading

  • The causes and effects of dynamic loading

Offshore Crane Operations

  • Principles of offshore crane operations
  • Preparations for undertaking crane lifting operations
  • Undertaking crane lifting operations
  • Practical elements will be undertaken in both a Simulator and a crane

Disclaimer: For general information purpose only - please check with OPITO for the latest and accurate information on Training Standards

Last Updated: March 24, 2021