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Rolls-Royce Marine Training Center - Product Training Programs

Automation & Control Systems, Deck Machinery, Dynamic Positioning, Engines, Power Electrical System, and Subsea - Product Training in Norway, Brazil, Singapore & USA

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Rolls-Royce has a world leading range of capabilities in the marine market, encompassing vessel design, the integration of complex systems and the supply and support of power and propulsion equipment. Rolls-Royce is leaders in mission-critical systems for offshore oil and gas rigs, offshore, merchant and naval vessels and provides a range of capabilities and expertise for offshore vessels and oil and gas platforms, merchant vessels and naval surface ships.

Rolls-Royce is active both in exploration/production and supply/service sectors, supplying systems that range from facilitating seismic research to keeping a rig safely in position. Also equipment and systems are supplied for vessels that range from luxury yachts and cruise ships to ferries and tugs.

The open, onsite courses are designed to give the customers the opportunity to book one single or several seats on the different course dates depending on the various shift workers. E-learning modules are designed as a first step, a basic introduction to a system or product and are normally a precursor to attending a classroom or onboard course.

rolls royce marine product

Training Programs

Automation & Control Systems (Onsite & Online)

  • Acon Automation System, Operator (2 days - Norway & Singapore): The participants will learn how to operate the Acon system, the different alarm situations and the effect that they may have on the vessel performance. Participants will also discover the possibilities and limitations of the system and how to reduce human errors and their effects.
  • Acon Automation System, Technical (3 days - Norway, Singapore): After completing the course, the participants should be able to identify and define the design and functionality of the Acon system.
  • Helicon X3 Maintenance (3 days - Norway, Singapore): The participants will be introduced to operating functions in the system, learn about different alarm situations and what influences they may have on the performance of the vessel.

Deck Machinery (Onsite & Online)

  • Towcon RT-AHT Winch, Operator (2 days - Norway, Brazil & Singapore): After completing the course, the participants should be able to identify and define the design and functionality of the winch system in order to avoid incidents, accidents and damage of the equipment.
  • Towcon RT-AHT Winch, Technical (3 days - Norway, Brazil): After completing the course, the participants should be able to identify and define the design and functionality of the winch and towing control system (Towcon RT) in order to avoid incidents, accidents and damage of the equipment

Dynamic Positioning (Onsite & Online)

  • Icon DP ver.2x, Operators (3 days - Norway, Brazil & Singapore): After completing the course, the participants should be able to identify and define the design and functionality of the Icon DP system.
  • Icon DP ver.3x, Operators (3 days - Norway, Brazil & Singapore): The participants will practice on the Icon DP graphical user interface (GUI) and be introduced to operating functions of the Icon DP system.
  • Icon DP ver. 2x, Maintenance (5 days - Norway, Brazil & Singapore): The participants will practice on the Icon DP graphical user interface (GUI) and perform both preventive maintenance and `hands-on´ in collaboration with DP support in order to promote a reliable and efficient operation of the equipment and ease communication with Rolls-Royce service personnel when assistance is needed.
  • Icon DP ver.3x, Maintenance (5 days - Norway, Brazil & Singapore): After completing the course, the participants should be able to identify and define the design and functionality of the Icon DP system.

Engines (Onsite & Online)

  • Bergen Diesel Engine (3 days - Norway): The objective is to improve the understanding for the design and function of Bergen Engines in order to utilize your system to an optimum.
  • Bergen Engine Basic Level 1 Training (2 days - Norway):  The objective is to introduce the program for preventive maintenance (RMS) to promote a reliable and effi cient operation of your equipment.

Power Electrical System (Onsite & Online)

  • Power Electric System Main Switchboard & AFE Drives (3 days - Norway): The participants will be introduced to the operating of the main switchboard, blackout prevention system, power management system and the AFE frequency converter drive.

Subsea (Onsite & Online)

  • Launch & Recovery Systems (3 days - Norway, USA): After completing the course, the participants should be able to identify and define the design and functionality of the launch and recovery system for ROV`s (Remote Operated Vehicles).