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Chicago Maritime School - USCG License Courses and STCW Training

USCG Captains & Masters License Courses and Endorsements & STCW and Boating Training Programs in Chicago

chicago maritime school

Established over 20 years ago and located in Chicago, Chicago Maritime School (CMS) offers a wide selection of q maritime and safety training taught by active mariners with both U. S. Coast Guard training and extensive commercial experience. The school caters to novices as well as licensed captain solid foundation to help overcome the challenges encountered on the water.

Apart from training, Chicago Maritime Group also specializes in providing drug and alcohol testing and program management for the maritime industry.

The associate company, St Clair Marine Services specializes in maritime compliance consulting, Security, & marine surveys for commercial and recreational vessels.

Chicago Maritime School also provides merchant mariner credential application assistance for new, renewal or upgrade credentials and ensures the paperwork is correct and in order.

cms marine training

Training Programs

USCG Captain/Master Training

  • Master Self Propelled Vessels up to 100 Gross Tons (72 hours): This class covers the topics required for a tonnage-specific license. Depending on your sea service and vessel size, you can apply for a 25, 50, or 100 gross ton Master's license. For Inland, Great lakes & Near Coastal Waters depending on your sea time experience.
  • Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels (OUPV) (52 hours): Classes focus on the subjects required to take and pass the U.S. Coast Guard approved examinations leading to the insurance of the Merchant Mariner's Credential. The class may be offered as a Weekend day only option or Weeknights/Saturday morning option.
  • Upgrade OUPV to Master up to 100 Gross Tons (20 hours):  Usually taken immediately following the OUPV Course, this class covers the additional topics required for a tonnage-specific license. Depending on your sea service and vessel size, you can apply for a raise in grade to a 25, 50, or 100 gross ton Master's license. For Inland, Great lakes & Near Coastal Waters depending on your sea time experience.
  • Upgrade an Inland or Great Lakes Scope to Near Coastal (Up to 100 GT): Upgrade from an Inland/Great Lakes Master's License to the Near coastal Route with this 8-hour course.
  • Upgrade OUPV/Master to 200 Gross Ton Mate/Master (12 hours): The Mate/Master 200GT Upgrade from OUPV (6-Pack) License allows you to operate inspected and uninspected vessels up to 200 Gross Tons. Sea time determines if you are upgraded to Mate or Master. If you have time on a vessel over 67 gross tons, it is time to upgrade to Mate 200 Ton.
  • Assistance Towing Endorsement: This assistance towing endorsement is a provision added to an OUPV or Master's license
  • Auxiliary Sail Endorsement: This endorsement is required by a captain in charge of an inspected sailing vessel.

Other USCG Courses

  • Able Bodied Seaman (AB) - Lifeboatman Limited (40 hours): The Able-Bodied Seaman course is approved to include the Lifeboatman exam. It will cover AB rating for vessels without lifeboats. If you work on a STCW covered vessel, you will need Basic Safety Training and Proficiency in Survival Craft. This course also includes the USCG Approved practical demonstration of competency in Knot Tying and Splicing.
  • RADAR Observer Recertification Course (1 day): The course provides licensed deck officers a curriculum that allows renewal of their radar endorsement as required every 5 years. Mariners that successfully complete this Radar Observer Recertification course will satisfy the requirement of 46 CFR 11.480(d) for renewal of any RADAR Observer.

STCW Training Courses

Other Training Courses

  • Basic Boating Safety Course
  • National Safety Council Standard First Aid/CPR/AED
  • FCC Marine Radio Operators Permit (MROP)
  • Boat Safe Chicago - Advanced Recreational Boating Course
  • Sailing & Safety - Basic/Advanced Recreational Boating Course